The Butterfly Effect

2 min readJan 20, 2023


Chaos theory or how it is commonly known as, “The Butterfly Effect” is a theory that was first recognised by a French mathematician and engineer, named Henri Poincare and philosopher, Robert Weiner, a theory which later was further made known to the rest of the world through the endless, yet meticulous hardwork of a man named Edward Lorenz, who served as both a mathematician and a meteorologist; is one such discovery, which still plays a very crucial role in the modern world of ideas and reality in out societies today.

Now one may say, how can an insect as soft, beautiful, and yet so delicate as a butterfly have such an intangible yet determining role in lives, or better understanding, let me erase the confusion present right here right now, no, a butterfly has no effect on our decisions whatsover, except for the fact that its presence in our rooms or gardens, especially for souls like my very own. We cannot help ourselves but accept it the fact that they just add more beauty, to an already monochromatic and mundane environment.

But then you see, a butterfly. Though as little and tiny as it can be, is unbeknownst of the powers it holds deep within itself, it doesn’t really know of its own impact in our universe. Of how a single flap of its wings on one end of the earth, can end up causing a tornado or a hurricane, on another. And yet still, whicever place the butterfly was in at, at that certain moment in time, for a certain deep soul someplace else, it’s heaven on earth.

Now, this same effect explains to us philosophically about how in this exact similar manner our lives too as human beings constitutes of numerous, minutes, yet so little at times trivial, yes, but very compelling decisions that we should make on daily basis. Which if not take care off properly will one day end up culminating into one of teh greatest destruction ever. One that we ironically brought upon our own lives due to our endless fascination with jeopardy and lack of proper vision and foresight.

So you see, “ I am not me without my scars” for just like the butterfly effect sometimes, “I tend to wonder if we’d never met” “Would I have lost this heart inside my chest?”

